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Prepare for interview success & unexpected coffee meetings!
Interview skills, like any other skills, get better with understanding and practice. During this 2-hour interview coaching session, clients will refresh their understanding of competencies and interview techniques, fine-tune their elevator pitch, and have an extensive interview role-play for a 'real' job vacancy to help master key skills and the art of competency-based interviewing.
Understand the techniques used by recruiters and hiring managers, polish up your skills and improve your interview performance.


Who's saying what?

Catherine (Lawyer)

Although disappointed that I didn't get that job I had set my heart on, I felt good coming out of the second interview knowing that I'd performed really well. The law firm complemented me on my interview during feedback afterwards, and I'm happy that our time going through the role-play was beneficial and it'll help me during my ongoing job search.

Srdjan (Resources Mgr)

With the unexpected closure of the mine-site, I was thrown into having to find another role and because I'd been in the same company for 20 years, found my interview skills extremely rusty, to say the least! The interview coaching with Katie was exactly what I needed to feel confident in my ability and understanding of how interviews are conducted currently. I've successfully found another role now & the interviews were much less stressful than I was anticipating.

Nick (Student)

I'm in my 3rd at Uni & decided that it was time to find a part-time job to get some work experience & develop the transferable skills that we're always hearing about. Not having much of a clue, I did the interview role-play with Katie which helped me understand how interviews work, and how to structure my responses to keep them on-track to answer the questions asked. It's been a useful investment of time & money for me and I'm super excited to say that I was offered a retail job this week to start next Monday. I'm wrapped!

Perform at Interview

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